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Mediterranean diet first came to public in the 1960s. This because doctors and health officials from all over the world (especially USA and Europe)  started studying the likely factors that contribute to the populations around the Mediterranean basin (Greece, Spain, Italy) having much better health records and their life expectancies is much longer than the populations of other richer countries.

This interest was came out from the observation that the people of Kalamata Messinia have low incidence of chronic diseases, including cancer and other heart diseases. Also have the highest life expectancy rates in the world. Mediterranean diet (best quality extra virgin olive oil) habits is the reason that makes the difference in heart disease, cancer, and longer life.A committee of the Harvard University School of Public Health and the Oldways Preservation and Exchange Trust, an educational organization located in Boston, check all data from a variety of epidemiological studies that described the traditional way of daily food of the people from the Mediterranean area (Kalamata, the rest of Greece) and invented the best quality Mediterranean Food Guide Pyramid.

Traditional consuming food of the Mediterranean region is mainly menu of plant-vegetable sources, including extra virgin olive oil, fruits, vegetables, whole grains, beans, nuts and seeds.

The Mediterranean diet can offer 40% of total daily calories from fat, but the incidence of cardiovascular diseases is decreased because of fat comes from best organic quality extra virgin olive oil and fish.

Organic extra virgin olive oil, as a significant source, does not have the same cholesterol-raising effect of saturated fats. Extra virgin olive oil is the best source of antioxidants.


Olive oil from Greece

The olive from Greece is a symbol of world peace, prosperity, knowledge, wisdom and hope. The wild olive tree that supported format first appeared in Greece in 12000 BC and cultivated for the first time, according to history, from the Syrians or the Minoan civilization between 3500-2500 BC. Uses of olive oil from Greece were many since ancient times and the olive from Greece was connected with culture, religion, diet and health. This is evidenced by the numerous archaeological findings reveal the importance of olives from Greece and the direct relationship with the social environment.

The ancient Greeks attributed their physical strength and mental well-being of olive oil from Greece consumption and in accordance with the Code of the father of medicine, Hippocrates, considered beneficial olive oil for more than 60 therapeutic uses. Today, modern medicine confirms the fact that olive oil from Greece is beneficial for health and considers it the greatest secret to ensure longevity and wellness. He has now found a direct relationship between oil consumption by reducing the risk for cardiovascular disease, cancer, hypertension, diabetes, Alzheimer Alzheimer, ulcers, impotence, even with body growth and aging.


Diamandino Olive Oil

DIAMANDINO, is the best Greek olive oil brand,

because is first COLD pressed from Koroneiki olives, and around groves located on the slopes of PYLOS KALAMATA mountains which run in Peloponnese. On the west side of Kalamata. Our top quality olives are harvested by hand from November to January and are first cold pressed in the traditional way. This process is much more expensive than collect our top olives by mechanical ways, by doing this our olives are not destroyed and keeps our quality at top levels and the acidity at the lowest levels in world. With few words our olive oil products are 100% hand made and the best imported brands!

Our fruity extra virgin olive oil with a great taste of olives, is ideal for soups, salad dressing, fish grilled or boiled, white and red meat, sauces, pasta products and vegetables. It is rich in monounsaturated fats for your healthy diet.

We want to cover all the possible dimensions that can help you choose Diamandino, our best imported brand olive oil for your needs,and also we want to make you understand more about the three (Greece - Italy - Spain) main Mediterranean countries producing and exporting olive oil.

What is olive oil?

What is olive oil?
What are olive and oil benefits for our health?
What exactly are the antioxidants it contains?
You must buy in bulk or bottled?

1.      How can we know that the olive and oil we buy is actually good for our health?

It is very difficult to know 100%, since even the taste cannot show the quality, so you should trust people who can inspect it. Usually about olive oil we know two things: the acidity and if it "burns" our neck or not. Beyond that, if it is lightly or heavily adulterated, the consumers, it is difficult to understand. Of course, these risks do not exist in the standard olive oil thoroughly checked, like our mill. We have around fine to ten inspections every month from government olive oil department.

What guarantees should we ask from the best olive oil?

First to be olive oil 100% and not distorted by other fats, such as pomace oil or other vegetable oils, which should be guaranteed, because when we talk about olive oil, we are talking exclusively about olive oil. Nor should we forget that there are divisions even among olive oils from extra virgin olive oil, which is the superior, by simple olive oil that the quality is much lower. We must therefore ensure that when we say extra virgin, must be extra virgin olive oil indeed.

What are the characteristics of extra virgin olive oil?

You must have an acidity 0 – 0.8%, which should appear on the packaging. Also, olive oil is produced exclusively by extraction of the olive fruit, a process that separates the oil from all other oils, that produced by mechanical extraction. With this procedure, we take only the fat and not all other information it has in the olive oil and which distinguish it from all other oils. These elements are those that give the oil called "organoleptic characteristics". To these are vitamins, minerals or other substances, very useful for our organization, which are called "antioxidants."

What exactly are these substances and how they act in the body?

When a cell of our body is exposed to large amounts of oxygen, or more properly to substances produced by the improper use of oxygen (free radicals as they are called), "rust"-like rusting metal in contact with oxygen - which means that changing the structure of DNA and the cell cannot work.

In this case the cell either dies or need additional supplies from the body to recover. Antioxidants, therefore, are micronutrients contained in olive oil, wine, tea, fruits and elsewhere and giving our bodies the ability to cope more effectively depleted cells, which can lead to the emergence of so-called "diseases of civilization", chronic diseases such as cancer or atherosclerosis. Statements such as stress, smoking, ultraviolet radiation, etc., can lead to the generation of free radicals. Antioxidants are substances of plant origin that neutralize these harmful free radicals. Olive oil contains high amounts of antioxidants (unlike other fats and oils that not contain), helping to refresh and regenerate our cells. Here we should point out that especially the Greek olive oil contains much higher amounts of antioxidants than any other European oils.

Three elements are responsible for the quality of olive oil:


1. The way collecting the olives
2. The operation of the mill - manufacturer
3. The way to store olive oil

It is very important to know that if the temperature of the olive pressing surpass 30 degrees and olive oil storage be at high temperatures or directly at light, are leading to loss of all the above useful nutrition. If an olive oil in a can left in the kitchen, after some time the temperature will exceed 30 degrees and it will spoil. You will see that the best olive oils are stored in dark glass bottles. Also, olive oil is good to keep away from light and keep in small packs of 1-5 liters so to be renewed quickly and avoid oxidation.

Finally, how much olive oil is recommended to consume daily to enjoy the beneficial properties?


The minimum quantity that can ensure our daily required amount of minerals for our body is two to three tablespoons.

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